I am a portfolio manager at Arca (www.ar.ca) where I manage / trade defi, derivatives, yield farm and research new and upcoming projects. I believe in realistic crypto yields (i.e., not IRON) where the investor can reasonably value the protocol and estimate the yield over a weekly or monthly basis (not daily), so I tend to gravitate towards higher quality projects which I can buy insurance on via Nexus Mutual. Right now , our yield fund is farming on Poly, Sol, LUNA, AVAX and ETH and I have stablecoin farms generating free call options (in the form of reward tokens) on various protocols as well. My yield fund benchmark is ~15%- 20% and I can meet that benchmark while insuring away the SC risk all while keeping asymmetric upside in reward tokens on newer projects. My brand is being a "professional ape" (the Arca Ape) where I can cater to crypto natives and institutional investors who demand maintaining certain risk metrics (VAR, Sharpe etc)

Hassan Bassiri